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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 530PM  CBS  September 18, 2010 4:30pm-5:00pm PST

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and a memorial-- a day after a i feel like everybody knew this kid. like everybody. he was nice to everybody. >> shock, mourning and a memorial. a day after a deadly crash. a series of bad decisions one teen is accused of making. on the day of the funeral for a pipeline explosion victim, we learn of a lawsuit against pg&e. i will always associate your country with the first breath of my freedom. >> and finally, heading home, after more than a year in captivity, after the berkeley grad's release, who she thanked first. good evening. i'm ann notarangelo. a novato teenager remains in critical condition tonight after a car accident that
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killed a 15-year-old boy and left two others with less serious injuries. as julie watts shows us, police believe alcohol was a factor. >> reporter: every 15 minutes, someone dies in an alcohol- related car accident. in april, the students at novato high participated in this simulation to illustrate that fact. but today, they're dealing with the real thing. >> we saw the bmw, the car they were driving, and it was going towards our school, and then the truck was behind it. and we saw like the helicopter and i saw the yellow tarp over. >> reporter: the crash site is now cleaned up. and a vigil stands in its place. with the picture of the 15-year- old boy who died here yesterday. among the flowers and the crosses, is a letter from his family, that begins, dear nephew, there is so much i hope to share with you. >> it is really sad.
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you don't have to know though though feel it. >> reporter: in the small town of novato everyone seems to be impacted by this tragic crash. but what makes it even more difficult are the circumstances behind it. >> you had a young adult who made a very poor decision, starting from driving without a license, driving under the influence of alcohol, and then driving at a high rate of speed, which is a total recipe for disaster. >> reporter: sergeant cross says the 16-year-old driver of the car now faces a series of charges that could result in spending much of his life behind bars. >> we just had like an assembly on drinking and driving. so it should have like clicked in people's heads. but i guess i mean -- things happen. and i didn't think this is going to happen at all. >> reporter: throughout novato today, there are still more questions than answers. >> why were they out of school before lunch break? where did they get the alcohol? whose car was it? why was he driving without a license? >> reporter: but as they await
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answer, the community is coming together to remember a boy who touched so many lives. >> i feel like everybody knew this kid. like everybody. because he was like nice to everybody. and he knew people from san marin and novato and terra linda so everybody is coming today to support him and show their love and care for him. >> reporter: students from all three schools are honoring the boy's memory. by gathering to chalk his initials on this iconic hill. it will now serve as a i.v. very public memorial -- '01 a very public memorial to their lost one as a reminder to the consequences of drunk dr driving. a san bruno man has filed a class action lawsuit against pg&e that destroyed 37 homes and killed at least four people. the lawsuit demands that pg&e turn over the $100 million recovery fund to a third party. it also demands pg&e pay for other monetary damages caused by the explosion. the attorney who filed this suit says the cost of recovery
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will be much more than expected. >> if you look at some of the real estate people i talked torque the property devaluation, some of the injuries, the personal injuries, the possible punitive damages, i believe their damages are going to be a lot more than $100 million. >> steve dare filed the class action lawsuit yesterday and he rents a home on dover court. his home did not sustain damage. but he was one of many neighbors evacuated for three days. in a statement, pg&e says we are currently reviewing the documents and it will be premature to speculate if such action will be taken by others. in about a half an hour, funeral services for one of the san bruno victims gets under way. the mass for 20-year-old jessica morales will be at the church of the highlands on montgomery drive in san bruno. we will have a crew there. and we plan to bring you live coverage on eyewitness news at 30. for the latest on the explosion investigation, as well as maps to show you if pipelines may be running near your neighborhood, go to our
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web site,, and click on news links and numbers. a bay area islamic group reports that a burned copy of the koran has been found in a trash container at the islamic society of san francisco. the partially burned english copy of the mus lick holy book was found in a trash container placed outside for collection. if that confirmed -- there no. crime was committed. the pilot of a small plane that crashed in redwood city did not make any radio calls before going down earlier this month. and that's according to a preliminary report released by the national transportation safety board. the pilot, william heineken and two passengers roberts boreman and anlynna suarez died in the september 2 crash. the plane crashed in a lagoon off san francisco bay. a uc berkeley graduate released by iran after being imprisoned for more than a year is on her way home to the u.s.
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tonight. sara shourd was released tuesday and in amman since then. and her two companions remain in an iranian prison. before leaving amman, shourd expressed gratitude for that nation's help in securing her $500,000 bail. >> i will always associate your country with the first breath of my freedom. the brief smell of sandalwood. and the chance to stand by the ocean listening to the waves. >> shourd's next public appearance will be at a news conference tomorrow in new york city. it will be timed to coincide with the arrival of iran's president, mahmoud ahmadinejad, to attend the u.n. general assembly. okay, it is not something we normally see this time of the year. it started as a drizzle in parts of the bay area. and lawrence says we might get rain this weekend. lawrence? >> and summer is not even over yet. this is about a month early folks. we have a cold front. and this is very impressive for
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this time of the year. here is the latest on the doppler radar. you can see the showers starting to work their way a little further to the south. most of the energy hang up to the north just a bit but guess what? yes, this is sagging down toward the bay area, and we will see some rainfall out of this it looks like. the heaviest amounts in parts of the north bay. you could see upwards of a quarter to almost three quarters of an inch of rain in parts of the north bay. you head to the east bay, maybe a quarter of an inch. and lesser amounts as you head toward the south bay but nonetheless, this is all very, very impressive, for this time of the year. what is coming up as we look toward fall? we will talk about that in a few minutes. >> lawrence, thanks. thousands of protesters marched in london today, day three of the pope's four-day visit to england. this, as the pontiff apologized to the church's victims of sexual abuse. michael herzenberg shows us the demonstrations. >> reporter: thousands of protesters called for pope benedict xvi to resign. they say the pope is out of touch with catholics in
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britain. >> things need to change. >> go away and leave us alone. >> reporter: it is the largest demonstration against the pontiff in this five-year papacy. marchers opposed the catholic church stance on homosexuality, abortion and birth control. but the church's handling of the sex abuse scandal created the biggest uproar. >> i express deep sorrow to see innocent victims of such unspeakable crimes. >> reporter: pope benedict prayed privately with victims of sexual abuse by priests and expressed his shame. pope benedict met with american survivors of sexual abuse by priests during his visit here in 2008. since 1950 the catholic church has paid out $2 billion in abuse costs in the u.s. most in the last six years. >> it is upsetting. that's not where i want my money to go. priests suffer from human frailty as anybody else does. i do not believe the catholic church was aggressive enough in
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addressing that issue. >> reporter: despite the demonstration of anger from some, tens of thousands of adoring catholics follow pope benedict xvi every move. the catholic church says it is doing everything it can to investigate allegations of abuse and will continue to protect children. michael herzenberg for cbs news, new york. very soon now, the blown- out well in the gulf of mexico might be declared dead. the cement crews pumped into the well yesterday is now all dried up but officials still need to conduct one more test. they will check the pressure and weight of the field, and once confident it will hold for good, they will declare the well dead. that might happen as early as tomorrow. the rig explosion in april killed 11 workers and led to the worst offshore oil spill in u.s. history. a symbol of peace causing friction in the bay area. coming up we will show you today's grand unveiling. plus several recent deaths traced to a cop. the concern bringing long lines to a bay area health clinic.
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special olympics in san francisco today. what a famous pop star told cbs 5 juliette goodrich. ,,,,,,,,
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you inhale, they inhale. millions of children continue to be exposed to secondhand smoke. secondhand smoke causes asthma, a disease that cannot be cured. protect your loved ones.
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weekend as demolition crews make way for the new transbay beel street in san francisco is closed against this weekend, as demolition crews make way for the new trans-bay terminal. they shut down the road between howard and fullsome street yesterday and it will remain closed until 5:00 monday morning. the $4 billion trans-bay terminal project will replace the old terminal at first and mission street. it is scheduled to be completed in 2017. with word of a ninth california baby dying from whooping cough this week, people in the bay area are taking the health threat seriously. today in san mateo, there were long lines to get a free vaccination. health officials say infections are on the rise across the nation. and california is on track to break a 55-year-old record for whooping cough infections. that's why the state made millions of free vaccinations available to local health
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departments. >> i think it is fair to say everyone is concerned after the h1n1. there are new super viruses going around. that whatever we can do cumulatively, at least we can say we tried. and it is a good preventative measure, i believe. >> whooping cough is a bacterial infection that causes severe coughing spells, and more than 3,000 whooping cough infections had been reported in california this year. a jade buddha for universal peace was unveiled in san jose today. the 4 1/2 ton statue is halfway through a world tour as a symbol of peace and harmony. but in san jose, it has been a subject of controversy. as two factions within the city, the vietnamese community fought over the right to exhibit the icon. it will remain on display in san jose until october 1. a lot of special things about the special olympics today. how much money the bay area race raised and the famous
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brothers leading the charge. speaking of something special, how about some rain, and summer is not even over yet? we will talk about that coming up next. baccalaureate. correct. [ audience groans ] since this competition has been continuing for 48 hours and we have yet to eliminate anyone, it is the decision of this board to declare all 20 contestants winners. you have all competed admirably. admirably. a-d-m-i-r-a-b-l-y. admirably. [ male announcer ] at&t is making high speed internet affordable for only $14.95 a month with select services.
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all right. lawrence is saying something about a true cold front coming in. what is this? we're not even -- we never had a summer, lawrence. >> i know, i know, i know. a lot of people are telling me that. this is pretty unusual to have a true cold front. sometimes remnants of a former tropical storm come up to bring us showers but we have a cold front. folks, it is on the way.
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clouds just beginning to gather off the coastline. seeing a couple of clouds across the skies now but nothing too ominous just yet. there is plenty more on the way. not a huge storm system. but very impressive for this time of the year. all right. let's take a look. and see how things are working out on the doppler radar. you can see we've got the system that is bringing rainfall up to eureka and scattered showers continuing here. this is going to slowly drop down overnight tonight. and bring with it some more rain and in parts of the north bay overnight tonight. then i think a good chance of some rainfall across the entire bay area as we head through the day tomorrow. all right. with that in mind, if you're stepping out the door this evening, we've got more clouds on the way. there is a chance of showers. mainly toward the midnight hour. mainly that is north of the golden gate bridge. have you partly cloudy skies, mild conditions, inside the bay. and out toward the coastline, we will call it partly cloudy skies, low clouds and fog early on, but then by tomorrow, we are talking about cloudy sky, and a chance of rain and showers across most of the bay area. now, i think the brunt of this will come through in about the middle of the morning hours, and then it begins to move on
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out of town. so with that in mind, not going to be a total washout tomorrow. but yes, you will want to dust off the umbrella and get it ready to go. here it is. the first storm system of the season. 60s and 70s around the bay area right now. the storm system pretty impressive this time of the year. spitting off the coastline. it is sitting here and slowly moving toward the west coast as it makes its way across the ridge here and helping to slow it down somewhat and looks like it is moving onshore and encroaching on our direction in the next few hours here. so some showers. can you believe it? the last weekend of summer and we will get rainfall out of it. really not much of a summer. cooler than normal. roll the clock forward to 7:00 tonight. no rain just yet. watch as we head to the midnight hour. a few showers showing up here. by the middle of tomorrow morning, the main cold front band sits across the entire bay area and slides on through the peninsula. as we head through the middle of the morning, we have to taper off. lesser showers further south. and the heaviest amounts of rain in parts of the north bay. temperatures stay down as you might expect with some clouds and showers outside. and 60s and some 70s. and as we look toward the end
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of summer and the beginning of fall which begins thursday. and temperatures stay fairly mild for this time of the year. looks like we keep the temperatures down with a chance of showers at least on sunday and by next weekend, we will keep it a little warmer around the bay area. how about the raiders game tomorrow? if are you headed out there, yes, dark clouds continue to gather over the raiders. and some rainfall in that direction, too. how about hawaii five-0? a chance for some showers there. yes, 76 degrees. don't forget, folks, the premiere, hawaii five-0, i don't know if you were around to see the first one, but i was, just barely and it is fantastic. this looks like it will be a pretty good show. >> that's what i heard. we have to tune in. >> and were you so lucky it did not rain today. it was a big day today for special olympics and fans of the jonas brothers. >> a fun run was held today at shoreline park in mountain view to raise money for special olympics. and the run was led by pop singer joe jonas, and they signed autographs for fans before and after the race.
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cbs 5 juliette goodrich was told why he loves being part of the event. >> the spirit is fantastic. the fact is there are so many kids out there having a good time. and the athletes are smiling. and they're right there with me. >> juliette goodrich looks like a fan. there his brother nick was also a part of the event. and bood good the host of the event. and the race raised $70,000 for special olympics. so now, fans of the jonas brothers hopefully they're as happy as giants fans. >> well, hopefully the giants fans will be happy tonight. because the rockies are scaring me right now. the raiders are ready for their home opener tomorrow. hear who tom cable credits for darren mcfadden's improved play. and troy till wits ski plans to make everything look like batting practice. sports is next. ,,,,,,,, 3q
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tim lincecum will look to make it four straight wins tonight and even more important keep first pitch, a few minutes away at at&t park. tim lincecum will look to make it four straight wince and keep the giants in first place. and nobody in baseball is hotter right now than rocky shortstop troy tulowitzki. first inning, he presses one into the left field bleachers. then in the fifth, he strikes again. another homer. he now hit 14 homers in september. >> holy mackerel. he is making a joke out of it here in the month of september. >> the rockies win against the
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dodgers 12-2. ryan ludwig was traded from st. louis to san diego in july. today he got back at the former team. he breaks a 4-4 tie in the 9th with a three-run homer. the padres snap a three-game losing streak and beat the cardinals 8-4. here is a look at the up to the second nl west standings. the giants are tied for first with the padres. and the rockies, very scary are just one game back. kevin lowe pitched seven no hit innings. and powell put an end to a repeat performance with a solo shot to right. second of the season for the a's backup catcher. 1-0a's. rookie chris carter struggles continues. the a's top prospect is now 0- 29. the hroáut longest drought to start a career in franchise history. 1-1 game in the 6th. danny valencia has a three-run homer to left. and he loses the fourth straight start and the twins win 4-1.
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cal scored 52 points in each of the first two games but last night in reno, the bears saw the 52 go up on the wrong side of the scoreboard. novato showed the pistol offense is for real. and the wolf pack looked every bit like the number one offense in the country. collin caffernick ran for three scores and threw for two more and the senior quarterback combined for 329 total yards. it was a different story for cal. kevin riley, the bears qb who was nearly perfect in the first two games, threw three interceptions, one of them was returned for a wolf pack touchdown. nevada beats cal 62-31. the two teams combined for 999 yards of offense. and despite the loss it was another big game for shane vereen, 198 yards and three touchdowns. the freshman sensation keenen allen struggled in the first road game being held to just one catch. lane tiffen and the trojans taking on minnesota. >> we thought he was young and
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immature and someone would grab him by the throat and tell him he is doing the wrong thing. >> it never gets old. matt barkley rolls out in the second quarter. has all kinds of time. heaves it down the field to ronald johnson. and they win 32-21 to improve to 3-0. but they're not bowl eligible until the 2012 season. arizona state looking to take down 11th ranked wisconsin. fourth quarter, asu cameron marshal bangs his way in. 20-19 badgers. they couldn't get any closer. wisconsin blocked the extra point and avoids the upset. the badgers have won 27 straight against nonbig 10 teams. raiders running back michael bush has a game time decision for tomorrow's home opener against the rams. one of the few bright spots from week one was the raiders other running back, darren mcfadden. he had 150 total yards. and scored the team's only touchdown. tom cable felt the media deserved some credit for the big game. >> i think that is him hearing
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you all questioning whether or not he is hearing you or not. and good job for you. and maybe would like to come out and see him hit a homerun would make it more complete. but consistently ran it hard. ran it right. protected it. caught it. you know, but that is -- we've already talked about that, and when he is healthy, that's who he is. >> tomorrow's game is blacked out locally. but tune in following the patriots/jets game for the fifth quarter. full raider highlights. as for the 49ers -- >> do you recall one time you sang a jingle for us to promote the game? do you remember? >> yes. >> 44 cable 12. >> that's very good. >> something like that. >> thank you, joe. monday night, niners and saints on the cw44 cable 12. our coverage begins at 5:00. >> thank you very much. well, it is a tough road of recovery for a bay area jockey who was paralyzed after falling during a race tonight. we hear from his family coming
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up at thirt 6:30. that's it for us. see you back in a half hour. have a great night. ,, ,,,,,, ????????ñ
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